Saturday, July 25, 2015

Bangalore Java User Group (JUG)- July Meet-up

Today, we had very interesting sessions on Concurrent Garbage Collector and Completable Future by Deepak and Srinivasan.

Deepak, while taking about the Azul Garbage Collector covers:
- The basics of GC
- How we can proceed for a concurrent GC
- What are the challenges to achieve a concurrency in GC

Srinivasan while talking about the Completable Future covers:
- How the new Completable Future of JDK 8 is better than the old calls
- How the real life applications like Banking, Online booking systems can use this feature.
- What were the old bottleneck which got addressed.

If you are also interesting in joining Bangalore Java User Group, follow us on:

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 Soon, I will provide the links for the presentation.

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